Together We Learn and Grow

Drama and Senior English Trip to Hamlet

Thursday 29th August saw nearly 40 drama and senior English students travel by bus to Hamilton’s Clarence Street Theatre to see Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet.

The professional cast from the Pop-up Globe theatre in Auckland were a treat to watch, with captivating performances of King Claudius, Hamlet, and Ophelia in particular. Special effects - a flaming sword and realistic bloodied stab wounds - shocked and surprised the audience, and the interaction of the comic actors with the front rows was both scary and hilarious. Students commented on the power of seeing live theatre as well as the impressive feats of memory displayed by the cast. The trip supported learning towards an external assessment for Mrs. McManus’s Drama class, and the recent study of Shakespeare’s Macbeth by Mr. Crandell-Tanner’s English class. It has been a treat to see students so excited about Shakespeare!