Together We Learn and Grow

Nau mai Haere mai

Welcome to Putāruru College.

He aha te me nui o te ao?  He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

What is the most important thing in this world, it is people, it is people, it is people.

I feel privileged to be a part of our wonderful school community.

We understand that people are the heart of every school and that relationships are a key component of successful learning.  At Putāruru College we strive to establish meaningful, positive relationships between students, teachers and whānau.

Our whānau class teachers are the learning champions of your child, helping them to navigate their own pathway through their learning journey towards their employment life beyond school.

The world our rangatahi will experience is one of rapid change with many opportunities.  

Our school values of Mana Motuhake (identity), Hikina (advocacy for self and others), Whanaungatanga (Connections) and Kia Tu Tuki (success) form the basis of our whānau class planning. We feel these attributes will equip our students with the confidence to make the most of the academic, leadership, cultural and sporting opportunities that our school provides.

Our school works in partnership with outside agencies to provide a variety of learning options to help students achieve their potential and open their minds to the range of work opportunities that are available to them with the right qualifications.

We invite you to come and see what we can offer for your child’s future.

Ngā mihi,

Rob Rogers


Putāruru College.