Together We Learn and Grow

Nau mai, haere mai ki te Kareti o Putāruru 

In addition to the contents of this page, you can keep in contact with us in the following ways 

  • Facebook
  • The Prospectus - available from the office
  • School newsletter - every fortnight
  • Fliers sent home concerning up-coming events
  • Te Ruru: The College Yearbook
  • The Coming Events Blackboard in the main foyer
  • The Notice Board outside Student Services
  • The Noticeboard outside the school gate
  • Advertisements in the local newspaper detailing events

Who to contact about: ABSENCE

There are a number of key issues about attendance-

  1. If your child is not in class, he/she cannot learn. This means your child is less likely to achieve to the best of their academic ability.
  2. The College takes the legal responsibility of in `loco parentis’ (in the place of parents) very seriously.
  3. If you believe your child is at school when in fact they are not, then your child may possibly not be safe.

Therefore, the College needs to know what the situation is when your child is absent. Either, contact the school if you know before the actual day that your child is going to be away Or, contact the school early on the actual day of absence.

The school number is 883 8323 and 1 is the extension for absences.

Or email: [email protected]

Please give clearly-

  • The student’s first and surname
  • The student’s tutor group teacher
  • The reason for the absence e.g. illness, out of town appointment

If the College is not contacted, Student Services or the Truancy Office will contact you.

Who to contact about: BUSES

Mr Moore is in charge of buses.

School buses are available for out of town students. It is important that students are on the correct bus list and let Mr Moore know if they need to change buses. Information about Putāruru School Bus Services can be found on the EasyBus website.

If you have any concerns related to buses or behaviour on buses, please contact Mr Moore.

Who to contact about: CHANGE OF CONTACT DETAILS

Please contact Student Services as soon as possible if you have a change of-

  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Name
  • Other relevant information

Who to contact about: CLASSROOM CONCERNS

Please make contact with us if you require any information or have any concerns related to the classroom. There are a number of people you can contact:

  • Speak with the teacher concerned.
  • Speak with the Whānau teacher
  • Talk with the Head of Department (HOD). These are as follows;
    • Social Sciences/Languages Mrs Curphey
    • English Mrs Miller
    • Health, Outdoor Education and Physical Education Mrs Hunter
    • Science Miss Schick
    • Mathematics Ms Clark
    • The Arts/Technology Mrs Nicholson
    • Years 7/8 Mrs Maxwell

Contact the Senior Leadership team or the Principal if issues are not resolved to your satisfaction.

When you ring the school, ask for the teacher required. If unavailable, leave a message for the teacher to ring you back.

Who to contact about: FINANCIAL MATTERS

If you have any queries or concerns about a financial matter, or if you would like to set up an automatic payment (for paying fees, trips, stationery etc.) please contact Student Services.

Who to contact about: INJURIES or SICKNESS

If a student is injured, feeling ill or sick at school they should report to Student Services where staff will attend to them.  The school will make contact with you if it is appropriate. Because school acts in `loco parentis’, it is important that the school knows where a student is. Under no circumstances should a student ring home and make arrangements themselves, unless this is done in conjunction with Student Services’ staff. We also have a Doctor and Nurse who visit the school every week. See Student Services

It is absolutely essential that the school has up to date contact phone numbers for you and an emergency contact phone number in case you cannot be contacted.

If you have any concerns about injuries or sickness, please contact Student Services.

Who to contact about: LEAVING SCHOOL

If a student is leaving the school permanently they obtain a `Clearance’ form from Student Services.  You will need to sign the form and then when completed, your child can hand it in at Student Services.

Note: A student cannot be `cleared’ until all school property on loan has been accounted for and all fees paid. Clearance is required before a student can enrol in a course or another school.

As the school acts in `loco parentis’ (in the place of parents) it is important that the school knows where a student is at all times.  If a student is required to leave during the school day, he/she will need to bring a note from you, giving the reason for the temporary absence.  When they have presented the note to their tutor teacher they will then be able to sign out at Student Services.

Who to contact about: A LUNCH PASS

If you would like your child to be at home for lunch please complete the form obtained from Student Services.  The lunch pass is for your child only and does not entitle him/her to go anywhere except their own home. This means permission is not granted to go into town to buy lunch.

If you wish to cancel the lunch pass, please contact Student Services.

Who to contact about: MAKING A COMPLAINT

The school has a Complaints Policy at the main school office which gives information about how to make a complaint.

If you wish to keep the matter informal, you can have a discussion with the relevant person (the Principal, a Senior Leader, an HOD, a teacher) to resolve the matter.  If you wish to make the matter more formal, you will need to put your complaint in writing and give it to the Principal.

Who to contact about: PERSONAL MATTERS

If you wish to discuss a personal matter that you believe is having an impact on your child’s learning, please have a discussion with their Whānau teacher or a Dean.  If the matter is extremely sensitive, it may be recommended that you speak with the Guidance Counsellor Mr Macdonald or the Principal.

Unless you give consent, all information will be treated confidentially.

Who to contact about: PROPERTY

Students should take the appropriate care in safeguarding their possessions e.g. by labelling items of uniform.  Valuables, cell phones, and iPods should not be brought to school unless absolutely necessary.  If they are, they should be left with Student Services, or kept securely in their possession, at their own risk.

If you are trying to track down lost property, contact Student Services.

Who to contact about: SENIOR QUALIFICATIONS – NCEA 

Teachers recognise that NCEA and other senior qualifications are complex and the system can be challenging for parents to understand. There are a number of ways in which you can be informed;

  • School sends home regular written communications
  • Your child is given material from teachers in subject classes, and from NZQA, and so he/she should be able to inform you of many matters
  • From time to time, the school provides opportunities at evening meetings to discuss NZQA (NZ Qualifications Authority) matters
  • NZQA web site that you can access (with “student login” option)-

  • A senior assessment policy handbook for students and parents/caregivers

If you still have concerns or queries please contact; Mrs Carr

Who to contact about: STATIONERY

Stationery requirements are available from Student Services.

  • Year 7 – 10 students are encouraged to purchase a $20.00 stationery pack at the start of the year.
  • Special workbooks are required in some classes. These are available for purchase from Student Services and must be paid for before they are issued to students.

If you have any queries regarding stationery, contact Student Services or the classroom teacher.

Who to contact about: UNIFORM

Students are required to wear the school uniform neatly and correctly to and from school, during the school day and at school functions.  It is important that students take pride in their school and one of the ways they can do this is by the way they present themselves through their appearance.  Therefore, to maintain high standards, it is important that students do not add to the uniform or wear alternatives- particularly with footwear, trousers, alternative jackets and any items of sports uniform.  

If there is a valid reason for some item of uniform not being worn, a student must bring a note from home to get a pass from a Dean.  Please date the note, explain what the problem is, and indicate when the problem will be remedied.

There is a dress uniform including a blazer and a tie, for special occasions.

Year 13 students have their own uniform code.

If you have any concerns or queries about uniform, please contact one of the Deans.

Who to contact about: VEHICLE PERMITS

Students who bring a vehicle to school must collect an application form from Student Services, complete it, get you to sign it and return it to Mr Rogers. While using motor vehicles for transport to and from school, students are expected to demonstrate responsible and courteous behaviour which will reflect positively on Putaruru College. All students should have a valid New Zealand licence.  Breaches of the license laws, particularly those related to a restricted licence, or road rules may be reported to the Police for follow up.

Students are not permitted to use their motor vehicles during lunchtime and interval unless for a specific purpose that has been approved of by a senior staff member.  Year 13 students are exempt from this rule, as this is a Year 13 privilege.

If you have any concern about your child bringing a vehicle to school, or travelling with another student, please contact Mr Rogers.