Together We Learn and Grow

Archeological Dig

As part of Learning Module C, those students who chose to do ‘Shadows on the Landscape’ have just completed an archeological dig at Putaruru College.

We have a patch of dirt down in the bottom corner of the school; this was where our dig took place. We marked out the area into grid lines and using gardening implements such as trowels, forks and spades we dug in the various grids. We used paint brushes to clear dirt from any objects we found.

The students gained a wonderful insight into being Archeologists and unearthing old bottles, nails pieces of broken crockery, the students should be able to write their reports on how old these pieces are and how or why they could possibly have come from.  It did resemble kids digging in a sand pit from junior days, those who participated had three wonderful days of exploration and investigation. The good part was it finally stopped raining in August/September for us to actually begin the dig as it was planned for over three weeks ago.